Larry & Lydia Wooten
Multiplication and Ministry Center Hosts
What is the Ministry &
Multiplication Center?
Since the first time we stepped on to the property God gave Mission City a vision to continue the legacy of the historic Dorr estate in Rutland for the training up and sending out of future kingdom-minded ministry leaders. Though it's still under construction Mission City aims to use this property in the coming days to decades for just that. This property consists of resident housing, a chapel space, great room, offices, and more -all to be used for multiplication and ministry. Not to mention the beautiful 13 acre lot it sets on overlooking downtown Rutland.
Larry & Lydia Wooten
Multiplication and Ministry Center Hosts
What is the Ministry & Multiplication Center?
Since the first time we stepped on to the property God gave Mission City a vision to continue the legacy of the historic Dorr estate in Rutland for the training up and sending out of future kingdom-minded ministry leaders. Though it's still under construction Mission City aims to use this property in the coming days to decades for just that. This property consists of resident housing, a chapel space, great room, offices, and more -all to be used for multiplication and ministry. Not to mention the beautiful 13 acre lot it sets on overlooking downtown Rutland.
Throughout the week, and year, the MMC is used by our students, kingdom men, kingdom women, small groups, for meetings, and counseling as well.
In partnership with SEND Network New England, the MMC is leveraged to house residents in the pipeline for church planting, as well as the training and equipping of the missionary leaders that call
Mission City Church home.
Mission City Church home.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why a Ministry & Multiplication Center?
Great question. Our vision as Mission City Church is to develop a river of multiplying leaders for the purpose of saturating Vermont, New England, and the World with the message and mission of Jesus. We believe, the MMC (that was gifted to MCity) is a key component to helping accomplish this vision by providing a location that can even remove the burden of housing from future ministry leaders while they are prepared, equipped, and inspired to change the world for Jesus.
How Can I Be A Part?
There are a number of ways you can be a part. You can help complete the project by praying and giving by clicking here. You can also get involved by learning how you can use your gifts and begin serving and leading in our leadership pipeline, beginning an internship to help discern a call to ministry, or even learn how to become a church planter. The key is, we all do our part to accomplish the great commission (Matt. 28:19-20).